Kindness of Heart
By Mandy Moo Fish
Above all things I regard kindness of heart, and over the years I’ve tried to live like that and teach my child to do the same.
About two months ago we met a wonderful man named Tony at the Caltex near the fire station. Vaughn was very sick, and within moments the attendant had him laughing and smiling.
Since then we regularly visit the station and Vaughn eagerly looks out for his new friend. Tony always takes the time to talk to Vaughn about the various bikes we haul to Giba and back, and he listens so obligingly to him as he chatters away.
When Tony asked us to look out for a reasonably priced bike for him, Vaughn promised to find him one.
Vaughn has been collecting all the silver money around the house for months, saving for a “holiday” for us.
One night he came to me and asked if I really wanted a holiday, and upon asking him why, he said he would rather put his savings towards helping Tony get his bike. ❤❤
So today, we cracked open the piggy bank and took all the silvers to Game where he bought his friend a bicycle.
Our children make us proud on so many occasions, but today our hearts are so full of the joy at the kind man’s face, as he, rather stunned… accepted his gift from this 10 year old boy.
*Prawn Fish* it will be years until your Mom allows you on Facebook, but when you do see this life experience, know that today of all your days on this planet so far… my heart is the fullest and most proud of you it’s ever been.
Keep being kind, and generous, with your time and money, and remember bringing joy to others can bring just as much joy to yourself.
#ThrowKindnessLikeConfetti Please join Throw Kindness Like Confetti
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Janet Lovell-Greene
January 27, 2019 @ 7:03 am
This young man is a bridge builder now and for our future. I hope he stays in South Africa because these are the people who are the leaders of our future. Well done mom and dad, and well done Prawn Fish. (Extra proud that he’s from my school! )
January 27, 2019 @ 1:06 pm
Thank-you so much for your comment Janet… and thank-you so much for visiting. 🙂 We absolutely agree with you.