Complimentary Talk
Join us on the 14th of July 2016, for a captivating talk on Anger Management by Tilanie Mierehans.
This is a complimentary talk aimed at giving you, the ability to take control of your emotions and to help channel positive energy, to help you through any situation.
Tilanie speaks on a range of topics, which ultimately link together core values of belief in the shining star of unique selfness, and integrating the empowerment of Self-Worth. Anger is formed through guilt and despair which translates into wanting to hurt others to make the self-feel better, when the self is feeling down trodden and unheard. The choice lies with us as to whether we allow the cancer to feed on the health of self and spread, instead of stopping the oxygen supply to the feeder cell of ‘’hate’’.
To book your seat, email
Venue: Tranquility Health and Beauty Spa, 15 Neville Road, Westville
Time: 18:00-19:30 on the 14th of July 2016
Tranquility Health and Beauty Spa in Westville, Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal
Instagram: Tranquilityhealth