1167 kg’s of Plastic bottleTops reCycled

We’re doing a *Happy Dance*.  🙂 We reached our goal of a TON of bottleTops. 

Since our very first depot delivery of 67 kg’s of plastic bottleTops, in our little red Renault Clio… I wondered how long it would take to get to a TON and how many people it would take?

It’s been 18 months of collecting, sorting, delivering to the depot, with lots of help and almost a constant influx of plastic bottleTops… and I have no idea how many people are involved. *Grin*

100s I’m sure.

Thank-you so much to ALL of YOU.

1167 kg’s of Plastic #bottleTops #reCycled for *Plastic Free July* for our #wheelchair Fundraising for Fiso.

That’s 1167 kg’s of plastic Not on our beaches, Not in our ocean or in our rubbish dumps. That’s 1167 kg’s of plastic reCycled with funds going to The sweethearts Foundation for a new wheelchair for Fiso.

Fiso is 16 years old and paralysed from the waist, and he needs a new wheelchair, with a special cushion, sturdy frame and off-road wheels. Please share our Global Giving Fundraising and donate if you can.

We have almost half of the R15 000 we need.

Thank-you so much to all of you.

Thank-you for every bottleTop, every Rand, every Like, Love and Share!

We are so grateful, and know with your help we’ll have a new wheelchair for Fiso really soon! 🙂 

Please like our Women Of Worth Facebook Page and join our Tags & Tops group.

#bottleTops   #wheelchairFiso   #WomenOfWorth